Ronald Reagan said, “freedom is never more than one generation from extinction,” and that is undoubtedly true. Will we be the generation that will lose it all—lose our freedom, lose the legacy—or will we restore this fragile legacy to its former glory?
This doesn’t have to be the end. In fact, this could be just the beginning. We invite you to join us in restoring this legacy, “with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence,” pledging “our lives, our fortunes, and our sacred honor.”
Join with us in carrying the banner of liberty—
Read The Constitution
Take the time to study—or at least read—the founding documents, mainly the Declaration of Independence and The Constitution.

Principles For Politics
There’s no denying that much of politics is just a game, and the last eight years have proved nothing if not that. However, much can be accomplished—and even more revealed—by approaching politics, from elections and referendums to the latest bill or ruling, from the mindset of principles.
Understand Your Government
Learn about how the legislative process works, both on the federal level and in your state, and how you can speak up and exert influence. Then, take action—and empower others to do the same.

Know Your History
Study the history of America, especially that of its founding. From this can be drawn a wealth of principles and an understanding of the legacy we’ve been gifted—and an appreciation for how unique it is. Become familiar enough with it to be able to share what you know with others.
In addition, there is power in shared stories, both to inspire individuals and bring together communities. Know the stories—the good and the bad, the beautiful and the ugly. The heroes and villains, the examples and the nonexamples, and all the ordinary people valiantly doing their best… and, frequently, succeeding.
Educate Yourself
There are a wealth of resources with which we can learn about freedom, government, and the American legacy. Where do you even start? One great place is the Children Of The Republic reading list.
Money And Attention
Especially culturally, your money and attention can send a powerful message. Be intentional about to whom you give it, and to what messages you are giving views and likes to. It often feels like this is both useless and unimportant, but the importance cannot be overstated. Find businesses, education, entertainment, and more that share your values—or at the very least, aren’t actively trying to destroy them.
Have The Right Mindset
Everything above is of little use if it is not done with the right mindset: an eye to the future. We have been gifted a glorious, unique, world-changing legacy. What we do now is only half about preserving it; we must also add to it, creating something we can be proud to pass down to our children and our children’s children.