Tag: Benjamin Franklin

New article every Thursday!

Government – Protect? Or Serve?

Governments are established to protect the rights of the governed because rights are essential in maintaining freedom and choice, freedom is key in following righteousness and morality (i.e. God’s commandments) for individuals and for nations, and following righteousness and morality is what leads us to true liberty.

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The Importance of Self Defense

How can we allow things like this to happen? How can we be so irresponsible as to let people casually carry weapons with them that are able to put an end to the lives of hundreds of people in a matter of minutes? We ask ourselves these questions often, but we often fail to answer the big question. That is, “Are gun rights really worth it?”

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God Bless America

But merely living in America is not enough. We need to be active in defending our rights and freedoms – including our lives, liberty and property. We need to be active in preserving our constitution.

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