Tag: Hitler

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The Scapegoat

Every totalitarian system of government has a scapegoat. Under Hitler it was the Jews; under Stalin, it was the kulaks, the middle-class farmers who owned private property.

Every individual, I would add, also has a scapegoat.

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Masks: How far should we go?

When Nazi Germany was just beginning, they didn’t just suddenly go kill the Jews. Instead, they started by making them wear stars. Then they started to take their bikes. They kept taking little baby steps until they were to the point where they could kill millions of Jews without getting major pushback from German citizens.

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Pearl Harbor: Why Should You Care?

A seemingly unprovoked attack at Pearl Harbor was the perfect method to change the American’s minds.
At 7:55 am on December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. Five battleships, three cruisers, and three destroyers were sunk with other ships damaged; 188 aircraft were destroyed on the ground; 2,403 U.S. soldiers, sailors, and civilians were killed with 1,178 wounded.

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