Tag: Religion

Religion in Education (Part Two)

This data shows a very interesting tie between education and religion. Why did education fall when religion and morality were removed? The answer is because religion encourages people to have good principles and morals, leading them to work hard for good things that will bring them success.

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If a counterfeiter prints money, they get put in jail. But the government is somehow exempt, so they go ahead and print extra money whenever they want to. When there are more dollars, each dollar is worth less. Your dollar won’t buy what it used to. Prices go up—but not all at once. Here’s why:

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Morality a Necessary Bridge

Religion teaches morality, and if religion cannot influence government, it most certainly is morality’s duty to bridge the gap between religion and government. It can therefore be inferred that the founders of our Constitution, intended the Constitution to be regulated by a moral people, who have good will, adhere to their duty, and find contentment in this holy way of life.

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