Tag: tyranny

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The Tyranny Of Vaccines

Two volcanoes have exploded on St Vincent, an island in the Caribbean. One blew its top, spewing ash in the air and making it hard to survive. As of the 12th of April, the volcanoes have been exploding for four days, but no one has died yet (1). “Roughly 16,000 people who live in communities close to the volcano had been evacuated under government orders on Thursday, but an unknown number have remained behind and refused to move.” (2) But did they really refuse to move, or is that misinformation?

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Masks: How far should we go?

When Nazi Germany was just beginning, they didn’t just suddenly go kill the Jews. Instead, they started by making them wear stars. Then they started to take their bikes. They kept taking little baby steps until they were to the point where they could kill millions of Jews without getting major pushback from German citizens.

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