“…It is rather for us to be here dedicated to the great task remaining before us—that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they here gave the last full measure of devotion—that we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain—that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom, and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Words spoken by Abraham Lincoln at the dedication for Gettysburg

We have been called as a people to ensure that liberty shall not perish under our watch. That freedom and a government for the people will not die. The sacrifice of over a million soldiers to ensure our freedom has cemented that dedication in blood. That is our responsibility.

So, we have a responsibility to protect freedom, honor those who have given it to us, and live our lives in a way becoming of one who does. That is our responsibility as citizens of a republic. However, that cannot be done blind. Everyone should be required to be accountable. And yet, as they so often do, many find ways to skirt around the issue.

Take Epstein Island. We know some beyond horrible things happened there, but for the sake of your peace of mind, I won’t harrow up further. We even have flight logs to that island, a list of if not everyone, a significant portion, furthermore investigations have not taken place regarding the many people who were present there, only a select few

“‘Sunlight Is the Best Disinfectant’” – U.S. Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis. So, if there really is nothing to hide, they show us clear windows. The government is not entitled to privacy, nor are elected officials acts with their power. Another case of justice being at best hindered and more likely evaded lies with the JFK assassination files, which despite being ordered by Congress to be made available, is still classified. 

Another such case is the Bohemian Grove, where some of the most powerful people in America meet behind closed doors for a week, discussing heaven knows what, and all well behind closed hedges. While private business is just that, many former presidents (Including Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan), as well as many wealthy banking higher-ups, it can be logically assumed that private business, is often the future of America.

In legal terms, destroyed evidence is called ‘spoliation of evidence’ The jury is usually instructed to assume that the evidence was condemning to the party destroying it, and the same should apply to when information is concealed by government officials and politicians. While I’m not one to subscribe to conspiracy theories, the fact that the majority of them can be solved by simple transparency of none national security based information, and it isn’t is a testament that transparency is unfortunately not prevalent on American soil, at least not where our government is concerned.

So what remains for Americans now is decisions. Decisions in regards to voting, and decisions in regards to how we live our lives. Patriotism is important, a great aspect to have in our country. That’s how the desire to improve, to grow, and to make it better grows and spreads. That is how we uphold a nation. However, patriotism is not a certain political party, or towards a person or group. It is for a nation. Let us ensure our patriotism does not turn towards fanaticism. Accountability in our leaders, in our agencies, and in our lives is how we build a better nation. So do you want to build a nation with clear windows? Or do you want a nation of behind doors and tinted glass?