People complain about their seeming smallness in society. People don’t vote because they believe their single vote doesn’t matter, or more cynically, if voting mattered, they would not be allowed to do so. We have ignored the government because we do not care about what it is doing, or we believe it cannot do right, and so we leave it to its own devices. We have let our institutions go, leaving them to whoever finds their whims requisite for the organization, and we say that we are too busy, or too tired, or too lazy to watch and guide them. What shall it profit a man, that he should ignore his own world and gain a little peace, but lose his thoughts and freedoms? Those who want power will overrun those who wish to be left alone.

Now we have fallen away from the Americanisms that built our country, and have let in the Left. The Left has imbued itself into every aspect of society, forcing us to think along its lines. It has done nothing but try to tear down our society, and we have let it happen.

 Our institutions are now full of corruptions and falsities, and we seeing this, distance ourselves. But this is not right. These institutions are there so our society can exist.  We must care enough to go into these institutions and reclaim them, and to restore them for reasonable use. Once again, those who want it will beat those who do not care. The Left wins not just because of its cunning, but because of its care. If you do not care, how can you expect anything to improve?

If every person in the United States decided that they were going to burn down every structure in our country, there is little that could stop them. The only thing the government and its bureaucrats could do is to stand by and watch. You, in this country, as an individual, are not meaningless. The only meaningless people are those who let themselves be. Many individuals, massed together in a coherent group, can bring unimaginable change. 

The reason our government works so well is that it was specifically designed to account for the imperfections of man. But there is no perfect system, if we allow it to be infested with garbage, that is what we will get. However, if we infest it with greatness and care, we will, spiked with the virtue of God, gain a great country. I assure you, if you know truly of the sacrifices of your fathers, you will not allow for your freedoms to slip away, or for your country and society to be pulverized by the forces of tyranny. You will not let their work and love fall apart, for it to all be in vain. 

God has not only given us the freedom of choice on this earth, but he has sanctioned a place for us to preserve our liberties. Our founding generation knew it, and so do I, and I hope that you know it too. I hope that there is nothing more precious to you. For the love of all that is right, take off the blinders of apathy and apply yourself to the work; that our nation may live on as the land of freedom it was made to be.

Vir Patriae