Anyone who has been around the U.S. can attest that many different cultures span or coincide with individual states. These cultures are, for the most part, joined together by the broad American ideals, which allows them unity and allegiance. The only people who deny this are those who have either no idea what constitutes culture or those whose ideologies require them to ignore and destroy it.
A majority of Americans are of European origin. Hence, it is no surprise that a majority of its cultures are of explicit European origin, with nearly all people in these cultures being constituted as ‘White’. The largest divergence from traditional European culture comes from the Black and Latino communities in the United States. Because it is easiest to see the difference in these cultures, they are often seen as having the greatest or strongest culture. This point of view is held by those who hate ‘white culture’, or those who don’t understand the cultural differences in the rest of the world, especially those in Europe. Because of this, it is much harder for them to understand and recognize the differences that we possess.
Today, the modern Left seeks to destroy and demonize the White cultures that dominate America. Not only do they deem it immoral, oppressive, and inferior, but they refuse to admit that it exists. This sentiment, spread through media and schools, has bred people whose opinions on it range from contempt to hatred. Every aspect has been consciously scrutinized to death, while the same people subconsciously partake in it, not knowing enough to distinguish what they are doing.
While making a defense of the existence of ‘white culture’ almost seems insulting due to how obvious its presence is, criticism of the hypocrisy that some of its detractors hold is more apt. The greatest critics of ‘white culture’ who are not white, are either Black Americans or Latino Americans, the cultures of both of which are so imbued in Europeanisms that despite the color of their skin, it is hard to see them as anything but culturally European. Most black Americans have some amount of European descent and many Latinos have total European descent.
Speaking collectively: The majority languages of Black Americans and Latinos are English, Spanish, Portuguese, and some French, all of which are European. The majority are Christian, their practice of it coming from Europe. The majority of Black American and Latino foods are prepared in European style. The majority of Black American and Latino music is composed with European music tradition and theory. Many things that are accredited to non-European sources, like the banjo, are so heavily imbued with Europeanisms (body material, tuning, play style, theory, written music,) that its attribution seems misleading. The family structure and ideals of Latinos are almost identical to the Spanish and Portuguese and for Black Americans, the English, Scots, and Irish. Their beliefs, behaviors, and attitudes are almost entirely European, and those that don’t usually date back to the original mixing of Africans and Europeans or Native Americans and the English, not the previously established cultures. The only places in South America where the previous culture is common are in very remote areas, especially in the Amazon Rainforest or the Andean mountains.
Separating ourselves racially to determine culture is stupid. Despite the mix of different cultures in the United States, there is a unifying factor, Americanism. We have no cultural differences that keep us opposed because we are all European-based. Despite those that separate themselves ideologically, we can unite nationally as Americans, and continue the cause of our country.
Vir Patriae