Two laws that act as the greatest commandments are, Love the Lord your God with all your heart and the second, love your neighbor. A modern application of the second is represented in two primary laws set forth by Richard Mayberry stating, Do all you have agreed to do and do not encroach on other persons or their property.

 By following these very basic principles and laws, there would be a lot less government. Less of the communist empire that strives constantly for control over people and their property, using the excuse of world equality as a reason to do whatever it wants. There is no such thing as equality for the masses. People are unequal by nature and the world is better for it. Where would original ideas come from if everyone was the same and had the same skills? Individuals create natural and healthy diversity, and overcontrol stifles creativity and positive growth. Standardized equality results in mediocrity and then nobody is happy.

So, the solution. Privatization! Private means controlled by an individual and nobody else dictates what goes on. Personal ownership of property, business, and assets is true equality, where everyone gets what they deserve. Competition drives quality up, it’s that simple. Privatization is hated by slothful people because it is the achievement of greatness and success that can only come from hard work. People are too lazy to make that connection because they have guaranteed income through taxes. It’s always going to be easier to not work, that’s just how it is, and how it ever will be.

Privatization is hated by slothful people because it is greatness and success that can only come from hard work. People are too lazy to make that connection because they have guaranteed income through taxes. It’s always going to be easier to not work, that’s just how it is, and how it ever will be.

Can you add one cubit to your height by wishing for it? No, you can’t. My point? Well, just because you want to be a professional basketball player doesn’t mean you can unless you have the skills. Intelligence and wealth must be worked for. It is not something to be redistributed when somebody’s feelings are hurt because they never worked for it. Success as a general rule attends him who is vigilant and active and who is careful to obey all the laws of nature.

Life on earth is our own experience. We either take control or let it control us. Each person has their struggles, but no one person has the right to take from anyone else, that which he has not worked for. There is no such thing as Utopia here on earth, something like that only exists when we are perfected and become more than frail mortals who are subject to the flesh and its corruption. Perfection lies in  Heaven and anybody who tells you otherwise is selling communism.