Hello everyone! Happy Thanksgiving! We are grateful for many things. Here are some of the things, from lots of different members, that we are grateful for, in the context of our Constitution, Country, Legacy, and Rights.

I’m Grateful…
  • That people of the past sacrificed so much to come settle America.
  • That we have readers that are reading and viewing our content.
  • That I have ample warmth, speedy transportation, and bounteous food, all readily available.
  • That we have access to all sorts of technology, from washing machines to the internet to airplanes.
  • That I live in a country that has so many good people.
  • That I live in safety and don’t have to fear for my life daily.
  • That I have access to so many learning tools and that I have opportunities to grow and exercise my freedom to learn anything I want.
  • That I can make my way up to be anyone I want to be and not have to fear social castes and classes.
  • For the early patriots who gave their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor so that I could live in freedom — and pretty much luxury — compared to much of the world.
  • For the opportunity to grow and become in a free country
  • That our forefathers have paved the path for us as we struggle in this modern word.
  • For the freedom of speech, religion, press, assembly, petition, and the right to protect myself against those who could harm me.
  • That I live in a country that allows me to worship God freely and openly.
  • That I can speak up for what I believe in and not get killed or taken to prison for it.
  • For roads and infrastructure that make our lives so convenient.
  • That I have freedom of education—I can be homeschooled, private schooled or whatever else I want to do.
  • For the technology which allows me to learn so much about my ancestors.
  • For family, friends, freedom, and food…
  • For the brave men that died for freedom.
  • For the constitution that keeps us free.