Tag: education

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American Apathy

Ultimately, most Americans living in the Colonies at the time of the Revolutionary War were perfectly fine with being British, while the British saw them as American barbarians, not as their civilized selves. George Washington...

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Build a Fountain

In the modern age, we are suffering from a drought. Too many modern trends throw away the past and give no thought for the future. They reject the tunnel given to us by the past and refuse to build another. 
But the tunnel of Eupalinos teaches us to protect our water supply

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Religion in Education (Part Two)

This data shows a very interesting tie between education and religion. Why did education fall when religion and morality were removed? The answer is because religion encourages people to have good principles and morals, leading them to work hard for good things that will bring them success.

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Seek Ye Wisdom

Imagine if somebody were to write a biography about you but only wrote about all your faults and left out all the good things about you? You would probably complain and say that it was not an accurate description of yourself. History is taught like this sometimes. The bad things are brought out in front, and the good and great things are left in the background.

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