Tag: Constitution

New article every Thursday!

Indispensable – the Citizen

Indispensable – the King would have been the title of most other military leaders at this point. But George is not most other leaders. “Had this day been wanting, the world had never seen the last stage of perfection to which human nature is capable of attaining.”

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The world draws up their chairs for another contentious election. Draw up your chair and grab a cup of hot chocolate for a good distraction, er, discussion—the team of Children Of The Republic gathers for a conversation on the America that has overcome so much, and will continue to overcome so much.

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Learning From Medieval England

In Medieval England, there existed both a court of equity – called the court of chancery – and a court of law. When formed, each operating in its own sphere – the court of chancery answering disputes in cases of equity, and the court of law answering disputes in cases of law.

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Government – Protect? Or Serve?

Governments are established to protect the rights of the governed because rights are essential in maintaining freedom and choice, freedom is key in following righteousness and morality (i.e. God’s commandments) for individuals and for nations, and following righteousness and morality is what leads us to true liberty.

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Western Civ: Why Keep It?

Have you ever worried that you support or believe something just because that’s what you’ve always supported or believed? Have you wondered if what’s always been done is the right way things should be done?

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