Tag: US Constitution

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Pearl Harbor: Why Should You Care?

A seemingly unprovoked attack at Pearl Harbor was the perfect method to change the American’s minds.
At 7:55 am on December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. Five battleships, three cruisers, and three destroyers were sunk with other ships damaged; 188 aircraft were destroyed on the ground; 2,403 U.S. soldiers, sailors, and civilians were killed with 1,178 wounded.

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The Why of the Bill of Rights

George Mason stood and pronounced, “I would rather cut off my right hand than to put it to that document.” This man had helped create it. Why was he so determined? Mason told them: “Because it does not have a Bill of Rights.” Why are these Rights necessary? How has the Bill of Rights affected us today?

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God Bless America

But merely living in America is not enough. We need to be active in defending our rights and freedoms – including our lives, liberty and property. We need to be active in preserving our constitution.

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